Refund Policy

Effective Date: September 27, 2023

Welcome to Discount-ville! We aim to provide a seamless and reliable platform for connecting buyers and sellers in Cameroon and Africa. This Refund Policy outlines our guidelines regarding refunds, considering our role as a facilitator of transactions and deliveries.

1. General Policy

1.1. No Cash Handling: Discount-ville does not handle cash transactions. Our primary role is to facilitate communication and connections between buyers and sellers.

2. Delivery Assistance

2.1. Assisting with Deliveries: In some cases, Discount-ville may assist with the delivery of items upon the request of users. If we are involved in the delivery process, the following guidelines apply:

3. Refund Eligibility

3.1. Failed Pick-Up: If Discount-ville assists in delivering an item to a specified location for pick-up, and there is evidence of delivery to the customer's designated location, but the customer fails to show up for pick-up at the agency, no refund will be issued.

4. Contact Us

4.1. Questions: If you have questions or concerns about this Refund Policy, please contact us at

Thank you for using Discount-ville. By continuing to use our platform, you acknowledge and agree to this Refund Policy.